
Twitter: dreamlike-truth.
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Today's the second day in Taiwan.:P Yesterday was a little difficult in adjusting to the environment. Having grown up in a tropical country all my life, having to live in such a cold situation is a little difficult. hehe:P But it's alright.:P My nose is acting up like some old lady having rheumatism... It's quite sad but better then nothing:P Spent around SGD10.06 today.:P Went for hot springs:D Then went to eat braised prok and pork leg. hehe. Quite delicious but didn't finish it because the servings really big. Next, we went to Sogou and ate dinner:P Oh, all that eating makes me so full. It's already 12.47am now... hehe. tired. Right, we also went to Ximending;D Bought many things;P. Okay, actually not really a lot. Just two boxes of biscuits and a bottle of toner. Oh right, Taiwan's a really green country so even the use of plastic bags, you need to buy them. One plastic bag here is NT1. Although it like SGD0.05, but it's still money and i think it actually does make people bring their own bags. Haha. I think i just wrote crap. heh:P nvm. Good Night.;B Hwee Ling 25/11/2011 12.53am p.s. i'll try to sleep at 1.00am but i think that's quite impossible... But I'll try. hehehe.
Best song!:DDD LOVE IT<3!!!
Today's the 15th of September and tommorow's my maid's birthday. Probably going out to celebrate!:P Today, i heard a song called 'My Moment' by Rebecca Black. She's 13 (i think) and her first song was not all that good but still the first impression counts. Therefore, she's really accumulated many anti-fans. Her first song was 'Friday' which caused a huge controversial. Many people hated her song and hence hated her as well. In fact, i did too. When i first heared ' Friday', Ireally could not stand it and i stopped the song within the first minute. I was embarrased by her singing not just because it was auto-tuned but also, the song did not match. For someone like her, they should have given her a better song that suits her. But now, I think she really improved tonnes and tonnes. Still, she has many anti-fans. I thought she improved a lot but like i said, first impression really counts and very much at that. However, this time the video did not have that many dislikes as her debut project. Not only that, I like many people think that she became prettier than before, probably because the make up she use work wonders.:P Her video is below. (though she finished this in july, i just saw itD:)
Compared to her previous 'Friday', isn't it a world of a difference? Many people did parodies of 'Friday' as well and i think that the parodies are digusting, when people actually thought that the parodies better.:C
I don't get why people would want to condemn her when she just want to sing? I mean if she is getting better, why not? But if she stays on the same level as what she was when she just debut, of course it is understandable that it will not be tolerant but now she's not. So, I dont see a problem.
Kay, enough of her. Now let's get back. Today, on my way home, i saw a classmate walking the the MRT station which was 3 bus stops away... When i asked her why she wanted to walk when she could take a bus, she said," Cause i need to lose weight." I was speechless. People like me who are just purely fat, wouldn't even care about losing weight. For her, she is really skinny and she says that she needs to lose weight. Does that even make sense?
So, i shall end here today.
Good Bye and Good Night!:D
Signing off,
Hwee Ling
GMT 8+ 11.33PM
If you do not want to do something, no one could force you. Cause you control your own destiny.p.s. One more thing, Infinite is releasing their repackaged album on 26th of September which is really soon! (and it's on my brother's birthday too!) Infinite hwaiting! Inspirits love you!:B
have not been writing for so long.:( Cause it was the holidays!:) But today's the end of the holidays which also means there's school tomorrow!:( Homework is maybe done or maybe not. hehehe:) Yesterday was daddy's birthday. went to Long Beach Restaurant at East Coast Park. The dinner was really rally expensive! It's like 700++!x_x It was really expensive because the added service and surcharge and more and more stuff. the refreshment towels were like i think about S$1. The tea was S$0.90 per person. The coke and coke light were $2.00 and $2.50 respectively. Isn't it really expensive? Outside the restaurant, the market prices for the canned drinks are probably at the range of $1.60. Therefore for it to be $2.00 and $2.50, they really must be earning a lot! Then, there was also the crab! The crab was like really huge and the shell is probably as huge as my head!:D It was a difficult task to eat the crab because not only is the shell big, it was really tough too! However, on the whole, it was really good! Just that it was expensive. Just a while ago about 7.45pm, we cut his birthday cake because yesterday my youngest sister was ill, therefore since she felt better today we celebrated as a whole family:D In the afternoon, we went to City Square Mall to grab some groceries and at the same time get a haircut... I was on the verge of crying because my hair-!!!! Anyway, it turned out weird so i don't know what to say. The price of the cut was $9.90 which was $0.10 cheaper than what i normally pay for other haircut service. haha. Just $0.10.:P The place was really big and there were many staff there, but it was empty! Can you imagine? Me and my older sister was sitting in a really huge place cutting our hair with so many 'bling bling' stuff around us and there was no one else except us, my mom, and the staff. Really awkward. Iwas trying to laugh at times but i controlled myself because if i laugh i would never stop unless something happens. Nothing much left to say anymore. Shall go sleep:>zzzz Good Bye and Nighties!:B Signing Off, Hwee Ling GMT 8+ 11.36pm Everything happens for a reason, it is just whether you believe that it is the
Hello Hello. hhaha;) this will be it for today!:) lazy to write. heheh. probably write tmr.:P Bye bye. Good night:)
hehe:) watch this only today:( But her songs are always nice! G.NA FTW!:P
hahah:) love this a lot:) I love everything about this video. It should just be the music video for this song:) Can you smile? hahaha:) I'm smiling.:P
i'm back again.:)
i'm so random.
supposed to be doing my social studies.but apparently everybody seems to be busy and not talk to me.:( i feel so sad. but, i dont even know what i'm supposed to do man. what's with my life? hahah:) Just joking. But still, i'm gonna give up on that one. i'll just tell her that her instructions were not clear enough for me:) it makes me feel like i'm lying. Am I? for some reason, i think daddy is gonna start nagging and scolding me to get my ass off to bed. hahha:) but, know what?
my daddy and mummy is using their laptops themselves.
they dont stop till it's 12am. but they still scold me. life's unfair ain't it? hahah.:) To make me feel better, i'm gonna at a few pics of infinite!:P ![]() ![]() tmr, i'll be having a cip interview... should i be afraid? or not? hahah:) IDK:X Anyway, please listen to Infinite's song!:) Be Mine:) naekkeohaja! Infinite hwaiting!:P THE END:) BYE:P Signing off, Hwee Ling GMT 8+ 11.08pm 15/08/2011
Back after such a long long time. hehehe:) Exams were over two weeks ago and i think other schools just started....:( Unfair. Ours should be later too.... I'm watching Infinite's Sesame Player... hehe. Tomorrow is National Day and now is already 11pm... heheheh. the show is funny:) Vinegar. And they ran out again... HHAHA Sungjong fell in the water! Watching the parade tmr at the padang at the yellow sector. Excited! Today, went to the school in the morning. Then went out. To cineleisure to watch movie. Captain America Quite nice but the ending was weird... Supposed to watch harry potter.. but the tickets sold out... :( Therefore, i shall stop here. Bye!:) Signing off, hwee ling 8/8/2011 GMT 8+ 11.24pm
Today, my younger sister whom is in primary five this year, has gone for a camp. Three days and two nights. But my parents and maid was freaking out over her going to camp. Apparently, I've went for so many camps and overseas trips without them but this never happened. What does this mean? An act of indifference? Or just purely, "you can take care of yourself but she can't" kind of attitude. The first time i left for somewhere without my family was also in primary five. I went to Nanjing. I'm not sure if I wrote about it before cause it's been a long while and i've lost touch my previous posts and it's quite a bother to find it. So it's fine. Recently, i just went for two camps and my parents were not even corncern about my safety. Just because i've gone for camp more than once. That is bias and i'm jealous. Just joking. So far, I've went for two overseas trip, and i'm not sure how many camps. There was one day camp too. When i was sec 1 and there was the H1N1 outbreak. So, the P5 camp, one day camp, 3 guides camp, one brownies camp and i dont remember anymore. Together it's 5 camps excluding the day camp as i could still come home to sleep. Therefore in total, i've left my house staying outside without my family for 7 times already. That's no wonder. But still, they ought to at least pretend to be very concerned even if they weren't. HAHA. I dont think they even have the time. And so, today, there was guides and the whole session was footdrills. I commanded quite loudly and previously, i normally would have a sore throat by now, but it didn't seem to come. Maybe tomorrow? There is one 'song' like command which goes like this: Commander(CO):"Count by the count by the left foot two ah!" Squad:"1" CO: "Can't hear you ah." Squad:"2" CO:"Shout louder ah." Squad:"3" CO:"That's better ah." Squad:"4" CO:"All together now" Squad:"1,2,3,4. B.O.B(Best of Best),B.O.B, all the way. We like it here, we like it there. we found ourselves a home, a home sweet home." (Ending with banging on the right foot) Quite cool right. HAHA. but i dont think it was invented by us. But it's alright. At least it's good enough for me:) I'm quite tired but i still need to pack my bag. My eyes are shutting. AGAIN. Just like usual. I almost fell asleep in class today. Right. Yesterday, was the listening comprehension for 'o' levels so i took the test together at the same time with my elder sister! How cool is that? And our answers were only one answer apart that's even cooler right? HAHA.:) I shall go and sleep now. I'm gonna pack my bag real fast and sleep. haha. Tommorow will be a better day. and it's a WILL not MAY. So i know tomorrow is a better day. and on friday, it's CROSS COUNTRY!!!:) Enough said. BYE:) Signing off, Hwee Ling GMT8+ 2308hours
On Friday night, my family and I went out to celebrate my younger sister's birthday due t0 her being ill the previous weekend. We went to a restaurant and it offers a free milk tea to people who have their birthday 3 days before or after the day they visit and I remember going there last year to celebrate my father's birthday as well. But they played a birthday song which they did not do on friday. that's weird. Anyway, before that, i was in school and as i said many times, i played in a skit. It was awesome with many people giggling together due to our performance but i'm not really sure if it was that good. After which, 1 of my friends birthday just happened to fall on that day and hence, my friends prepared a surprise for her, a flour fight. but though the process was fun, the cleaning up was tough. We cleaned many places. the void deck, outside the classrooms, the floor and practically the whole area. I even got scolded by my parents for making such a mess out of myself and being late due to me not being aware that we were going out that night. okay, enough of friday. Let's move on to Saturday. Saturday was quite boring indeed, when it is supposed to be the best day out of the 7 in a week. However, in the morning, i had tuition and additional math at that. It was boring. Then i slept i think. No wait. Iwas watching television until i fell asleep. right. then when my parents returned home, i got scolded for sleeping. Then, we went out to eat at City Square Mall. On Sunday, i stayed at home in the morning and then went to my maternal grandparents house to eat dinner. As for today, after school, my class together with 3e2, went for an class learning journey at Marina Barrage. We had to complete a worksheet of crossword puzzles and we could go anywhere, including flying kites. flying a kite required four students as there were 36 students in my class and only 10 kites to go around with 1 being the teacher's.Which leaves us with only nine.:( But still my group's kite managed to fly really high despite all the challenges faced like the wind not being strong enough and many more. Therefore i'm really proud of us. Actually there was only 2 of us cause zee did not even want to fly a kite and sya got bored and went with zee to see guys. hahaha. seems desperate enough. it really was fun to have an outing like this. I'll be the first one to approve for the next outing but one thing for sure is that i'm gonna bring sunblock. cause i'm really tan now. being all red just now, it just turns brown... Tommorow, there'll be a listening comprehension for the 'o' levels chinese. I'm taking higher chinese therefore taking normal chinese this year so that i could take another exam next year which will enable me to not study chinese in tertiary education.:) One less subject.:) But I think i'll take econs as my tertiary arts subject as i'm already studying it. It makes my life so much easier.:) Enough said. I'm gonna sleep or my parents would scold again. which i think they did twice just now. or maybe thrice? lost count. So better get going! Signing off, Hwee Ling GMT 8+ 2229hours
Today is the 12th of July. And yesterday was another wrecking day in Japan. I heard over the radio that on the 11th, another earthquake of 5.0 magnitude occured. and as i said yesterday, an earthquake occured on Sunday the 10th as well with 7.3 magnitude. I feel sorry for them and hope that the earthquake will stop, though nothing can change mother earth's power. Or rather just the plates rubbing against each other causing the earthquake. In school today, it was cooling at first because it rained probably early in the morning, maybe 2-3am? Not quite sure, as I was already sleeping like a log. My class even turned down the speed of the fans as they thought it was too cold. Then, the second period was physical education and we played touch rugby, which was a really difficult game to follow. The rules and everything makes it even tougher. For example, we only could throw backwards away from our goal and the only way to get near our goal or to score was to run forward. If one person of the opposite team touches the person with the ball, the person will have to put down the ball between his/her legs and another member of his/her team will pick it up and throw. However, if the person gets caught before manging to score, the ball goes to the opponent. The person who picks the ball from his/her own team member is called the 'dummy-half'. The opponent's team has to move 5 steps back from the person who was touched at first. AND EVEN MORE RULES APPLY!!!! The game that we played today was horrible. But I really sweated a lot. When we got back to class all of us were sweating and complaining that it was too hot and to turn the fans to a higher spin. haha. So much of a difference in just a few hours. Okay, maybe about 2 hours? After a heavy recess, returning to class just made me feel like sleeping. My eyes were about to shut. Even worse, the lesson following recess was Biology which was purely theory and i saw many people with their eyes shut, lying on their tables and the teacher didn't even bother. i bet she realised how boring her lesson was. But nonetheless, i was listening. I didn't sleep. In fact, i didn't sleep ever so far in class. I'm proud. hhahahha. just joking. After school, i practiced my skit with my friends. But apparently, only 4 of us turned up, out of the how many? Let me count. 2 mothers, 2 children, 2 narrator, 1 fishmonger cum priest and 1 dog. That makes 8 people. Which also meant that only half turned up! I'll post the script after the skit on Friday! It's hilarious how we do it. Most parts have been improvised so it maay not be exactly what it is on the script, but just BETTER!:) Tomorrow, I'll be having a chemistry formative test and apparently my friends have been telling me that those who have taken the paper, have said that it was difficult. So i just hope that i will be able to answer all the questions which includes a few MCQs and 2 structured questions which seems to have killed those who took the test. For now, I shall just go to bed and sleep. Okay, so Good Nighties!:) Hwee Ling Signing off 12/07/2011 10.56pm GMT8+
i never seem to have ever kept my promise to myself to keep on writing on my blog. but today, it's different. i'll try and make the effort to write at least once every week. for now, i'm packing my bag. tommorrow is another of school.:) I'll be practicing the skit for the racial harmony event that the guides have planned. school may be boring. but what i like about it is that i get to see my friends. even those that i have not seen since last year. today, in additional mathematics, we learnt trigonometric ratios. the three most important things to remember is TOA CAH SOH. TOA: tan(deter)= opposite/adjacent CAH: cos(deter)= adjacent/hypotheneus SOH: sin(deter)= opposite/hypotheneus This was what we learnt in elementary math. but we learnt smething else in additional math today. that is sin(deter)/cos(deter)=(opp/hyp) divide by(adj/hyp)= tan(deter) reason being: canceling both the top and the bottom hypotheneus, leaves opp/adj which is the tangent formula. In 2 more days, my younger sister's birthday is arriving but i still have not thought of a present to give her. She's really materialistic, so i probably have to give her something that she can keep and something tha she really likes. Yesterday, the 10th of July, another earthquake happened in Japan. It was only 4 months ago when the last eathquake happened in Japan. I feel sorry for those people who were trapped and I'll pray for you. In Malaysia, demonstrations have been occuring. The people in the yellow shirts are protesting to have a fairer political voting system in Malaysia. Many people have been arrrested due to the demonstration. During it, the police even used many severe methods to make the demonstrators leave, as no matter how much effort they took to make them leave, they did not listen. Though it may not concern me, but i think that having a fair voting system will ensure the people's trust in the government and instead of having so much demonstration problems, the people will have a much easier life of staying peaceful in a democratic country. i'll be having my english oral on friday, the same day as the skit. however, i'm not so confident about my oral picture discussion. today, just earlier, i had english tuition where my teacher went through oral with me. I totally did not know what to do with the picture. the first time i spoke about the picture, i stuttered badly. however, on the second try, it became better, but i still believe that i need much more practice even if it's in a few days time. for the conversation part of the oral, my teacher said to use one of the two techniques. One, the zoom in and zoom out method and the other, the timeline method. I will be having an english paper 1 exam on thursday and i hope the questions are things that relate to my life for me to write the essays more easily. I shall end my post here. and i see a really huge insect on my table now.... i wrapped it in tissue and off it when into the dustbin. I will from this post onwards, write things that i really would like to say but never got to.:)
I'll continue tommorow!:) Good Night for now. signing off 10.37pm GMT 8+
Woah. I think it's difficult to write every single day... But whatever it is i'll try my best... hehehehe. Time now is 11.27pm...:) I'm talking to my cousin now... she's in taipei... hehe. The computer keeps on hanging... ESPECIALLY on facebook...:( it's so saddening... Today in the afternoon it rained(i think... cannot rmb) I was just playing sorority life on facebook. so difficult. Play until i was about to die. Don't know how to use. So weird one.... I think that I'm too old to play this type of games. even my younger sister thinks i'm weird... She told me this: "The game so nice meh? really got so nice?" Then she went on playing another game... My school homework is done. But my friends' aren't done with 'em. They aren't gonna do it at all. I hope everything goes well for them... Should i be happy or not? So confusing. Daddy keeps asking me to sleep. Scolded me for so many times. HEHEHE. The second game i played just now was city of wonders. OMG. so much more difficult. Don't understand why they made it that way.. hehehe. i type so much now going to 11.50pm. I type so long. more than 20 minutes already. hehehe. today my proposal was approved. the cca promotion proposal. other people had too prepare for everything, I don't!!! WOOHOO:) i'm happy. WITH EVERYTHING. :) YAY!!!! I should go to sleep, shouldn't I? hehehehe. BYEBYE! :)
I haven't done anything great this holidays... I think that there will be problems when i get back to school. This holidays, i've only been watching dramas... Nothing else.. oh maybe also my homework. next week so many guides session. So boring. For next year's CCA promotion day, I'm in tentage again. WOAH!!! hehe. I'm so bored. i wanna go overseas but have nowhere to go. daddy's planning to go during christmas but nothing's confirmed. always last minute. but what can we do? he's so busy. no way can he leave his job cause grandpa's always going back to china. everytime he goes back something bad will happen... haiiz... Lunch time is arriving... Iwonder what we're gonna eat. yesterday afternoon we went to the new mall at serangoon called the NEX. so many people until i think i'm gonna die. the pathway so small... Then lunch time go to the foodcourt... So many people. then also the people eat finish dont go away still sit there and talk. then got so many people wait for the table they dont care at all. In the end we went to pizza hut to eat. the shop so small. then the table all packed together. then one person pushing the pram cannot even go through cause ther's no place. so weird. I'll go crazy. Lunch made me so full that i didn't want to eat dinner. but in the end i still ate cup noodles and an apple... my family went out leaving only me and ana. going to NEX made my feelings go bad. cause there's so many people... I was so *ahem*... WHATEVER!!! 'm gonna eat now so byebye. :D
finally the last CA of the term is over today. i'm so happy but no really cause there's still a* science which is so tiring and i came home late to finish the report. i hope we win! what shall i write? i lack of things to write. forget it. i'll think of something and write again.
today, there was the lit thing, science thing, art thing, maybe somemore but i shall write it one by one.let's start with the lit thing. the literature was a terrible mess. i realised i am going write the same thing as what i wrote on the class blog. as i heard, someone wrote an email i think and send a mass mail. (i've never heard of mass mail until today...) the email contains all the lit ca poem and questions i think... i not sure but i think this is what they said. then some people received it and then something just happened and in the end our class got implicated and all the fault became ours. i'm not sure how but this was what happened. then i think some people knew about the poem and analysed it and hence this was what happened. Moving on... the science class. ha. i believe someone is ver happy after today's science lesson. i shall not reveal but ya. again moving on... art. omg. ART! the fresh flowers. my flowers are cool. i got A+. last week we did artifical flowers with stuff toys and i think that one was better cause i get to keep it for life. te fresh flowers with wilt very soon and i'll have to throw them away. i think i'll propbably will be crying when the flowers are been thrown away cause it is my hard work. '~' but nevermind. i shall take photos of it. cause that may be my only time making fresh flowers bouquet but nevermind. haha. i'm so happy i got A+ though A++ is then the best score. cause A+ sounds better then A++ so i'm going to be fine. i'm talking to myself ain't I? i don't noe what i'm saying. kay i shall shut up. i wanna sleep again. i always feel like sleeping. my cough seems to have become worse. must be because i talk too much.i shall end here and go to sleep and yay noschool tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and on monday! i'm happy. but i don't show it. cause i'm happy and i know it don't show it. cause i'm happy and i know it don't show it. cause i'm happy and i know it and you really want to show it, cause i'm happy and i know it don't show it. finally, bye.
today is thursday. tomorrow is the last day of the school week. i'm happy cause there's no guides although there is still a* science but i still can go home early at 1pm. haiiz. i'm tired. yesterday was amanda's birthday and mavis bought and brought balloons to school and we started blowing them. there were two long ones that look somehow or rather sick. hehe. and i was the one who blew them... yesterday i went to pick my new spectacles! the spectacles is purple in colour. the gayest colour on earth!!! :D my mum says that the purple is classical which made me doubt her taste.. but who cares. the spectacles were uncomfortable at first but getting better now. today, there were still left over balloons so we continued blowing but they popped one after another. it's so sad. i wonder how does the balloon feel when it pops? does it feel painful cause it is like our body popping into thin air ending with just the skin. but it can't really happen to humans because we have bones. if we were to pop, all we can see is blood spattered everywhere but our organs and bones and maybe skin will still be intact. i find myelf so longwinded. i don't noe why but i seem to have a lot to say. saturday is labour day and monday is a school holiday. YAY!!! i'm so happy. today during recess, dorcas, fatin, brigitte, fuzzy and me were prank calling some random people, cause i drew on a balloon and there was a figure that has something written in it's mouth: Hi I'm UGLY. Call Me At: 8-21-7-12-25.guess what's that? haha. that's actually 8-U-G-L-Y. cool right? we tried calling the number but it asks us to try again later. there's actually somebody who has the no.? although it is insulting but it's quite funny. if any of you have this no., it is just a joke. omg i realised the i am writing more and more. i wonder what's up with me. haha. i have art tomorrow. we are going to do fresh flower bouquet, it's so exciting to our classes has bouquets that are so beautiful... i'm so going to do better then them. hahaha. i feel tired. and i wonder why my cough hasn't recovered. is it because i have to throw out all my plegm before it recovers? that's impossible. how can i do that? if i do that everything is possible. haha. whatever. some kind of slogan. i think korean is cool. i can write and read and even speak korean... hehe. what kind of thing is this if my mother knew that i can read and write korean she's gonna kill me cause she wants me to concentrate on studying my 10 subjects. but isn't 10 subjects too much? can't we just take like 5? why must it be 10? it is like more than twice the amount of primary school. it's no fair. my younger sister has only like don't know how many and her maths can even have a careless mistake. know what? 255 she can put as 225. wow amazing isn't it? i'm jealous cause my sister does not have to take exams because she has special reasons and she does not have to go to school at all today and tomorrow because her friends are only taking one test so they only have to go to school after recess time but my sister does not even have to come to school. omg, i'm so angry. next week is the CAs i'm going to fail. i've not started studying. it is a sure die case. i must do something. what can i do? study. but i don't want to. so how? so i shall do it tomorrow. haha. monday no school so i'll do on monday instead. i wanna sleep. i must take medicine and sleep. DREAMLAND HERE I COME. bye. hope to see you a few days later. :0
i fell sick since yesterday and my fever went up to like 38.3 degrees... D: so sad. i have 1 day mc and i have like the english summary test and chinese spelling today.... i'm so dead... i slept for the whole day and i still feel like sleeping. i feel like a pig. my medicine has one that is an antiboitics. and it taste horrible. i don't want to eat it but i have to finish everything... and there is like so many.... :X i can't eat this, i can't eat that. so sad. i want to eat.... :( i want to recover fast. i think i know why i fell sick. On saturday, i went to RI for the gangshow. it must be then when i shouted my lungs out. so i fell sick. if not i wouldn't. something seem to be a coincidence. the last time i fell sick was on 25th of january 2010, i had an mc on 26th of january 2010. than yesterday was the day i fell sick which is 25 april 2010, mc today 26 april 2010. such a coincidence right? i get the point... :)
CAs are giving me the creeps... can't lit ca be like earlier??? i hope SOME PEOPLE will not test me for oral... SOME BIAS PEOPLE... wonder why the school want to make the mother tongue oral... so brainless... got back geog timed assignment... CARELESS MISTAKE... STUPID ME!!!! HATE MYSELF!!! and my younger sis is repeating WHATEVER I TYPE!!!!!!! irritating!!! there's home econs practical on MONDAY!!! SADDENING! I CAN'T COOK!!! can't believe that swine flu is so deadly... so many people died... saddenings...
miss all the peoples. (i know that there is no such word as peoples but ya, it is cool) loving it. though i left earlier, but i know that it is very cool. if only my mom let me follow, i wouldn't miss the peoples so damn much. oncoming camp is freaking me out like hell... waiting for another gathering again. just hope the school will reopen a week later. though we have to go stay another week. anyway who cares right?! just hope i will not get a flu during this saddening period of time. the influenza a is freaking me out. the camp has to be cool in all the ways or i'll die there. ok... my sisters are like fighting... but one of them is like laughing for no particular reason. sad. my bro is coming back today. at 9.15. woohoo. can't wait. though my eyes are going to close. too bad i can't go to the airport. my father is afraid of the swine flu. sad. just hope that it has never happened. crazy sadness. p.s. swine flu again. 103 cases. saddenings. freaking me out like hell. hoping that it will end earlier and don't give people so much trouble. crying. good bye my lovely people. good night.
![]() guides. you noe? we did like footdrills and i was like damn dizzy... i almost fainted. hahahahahaha. another girl she just fainted on the floor. woo. camp sure die one. later die also nobody care. hahahahaha. we only got like 45 min to eat. cause we gotta buy our own food OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL! still must come back within the time given. luckily my dad bought food for me. cause my sis got remedial. at first, i told my dad, that me and my friends going out to eat, so i say no need. than in the end i still ate it. i really regretted it. luckily, my sis come out one hour late. that's why my father still there. but my poor father, he waited like 2 hours in school for her. he still had to work. so tiring. my maid had to like stay in school just to wait for my sis. and it is like from 8am - 12.30pm. so pathetic. anyway that was how long i waited for my sis, in school two days ago. i waited for my sis like 2 hours in school for her to end her remedial, YESTERDAY. but i would rather wait for her than go for guides. haha. cause my legs were aching. my shoulders too. and my was still sppinning even when i got home. how bad is that. saddenings to me. i can't wait for the next class gathering with you, my primary school friends. hahaha. sounded emo. and ok. my computer got virus. hahahahaha. so sad. P.S. twelve case of influenza A. i feel so sad. and depressed. not sure if it will come to me. but don't let your fate take control of your life. control your own. hahaha. sound so solemn and serious. and crazy and whateva. and very cold.
![]() i went for the TPC. guess what my teacher told my mum? "hwee ling's english is borderline. she should work on her compo. i am surprised that she reads. i don't think she does not apply what she read to her writing." Mum: "she reads but don't write. her previous teacher also said the same thing you did." teacher: "maybe she is reading the WRONG genre of storybooks!" Mum: "oh really?" teacher: " most probably." Saddenings to me. P.S. NINTH case of influenza A today in singapore. sad. BEWARE PEOPLE. i was drinking papaya milkshake with ice-cream. though it was tasteless, i drank it all. nevermind. LOVE LISTENING TO NICE SONGS!!!! hahahahaha.
today was supposedto be a happy day cause it is Christmas but it became a sad one ... anyway just came came back from chalet at downtown east a few days ago... and only managed to go to escape theme park and had a few rides cause so many of the rides were closed due to maintenance. no wild wild wet yet... haii... almost went to the foam pool but nvm... the room was very noisy cause it was right beside the escape. the room was disgusting! so many spider webs and the back door cant open... it was so stupid larh... my brother booked two barbarcue pits and they were so far from each other... was it stupid? didnt had time to invite you my friends cause my sis invited so many people to go and they didn't turn up in the end... i tot we did not have enough food so i did not invite you guys. i ended up bringing all the food back home. ------------------------The End----------------------
sujata whom is sitting beside me is also writing blog. mdm choong is like collecting the passports and the particulars form from everyone and i like have handed in long ago...she is like crazy when shouting for names and the people she called is like so loud first is like zhi xian next zhen huan third is erm i dont noe fourth is the person whom i also dont noe... monday, mr dass came into the classroom ask us to appoint people to play for the interclass games... then i joined the basketball one together with qiao mei, nelly, shi ting and qiao chu. after that shi ting and qiao chu then say cannot is like walao larh at first say want then later then say dont want so wad lorh. so irritating de...
today when i got back home, i was like sleeping for the whole day and just woke up. hahaha. never go revise still sleep. haha. monday is mathematics the most difficult paper. haha. monday sure cry one... anyway today's paper is a surprise lorh. paper 1 is in colour, paper 2 also in colour. i wonder if mathematics paper also in colour...
today like spring cleaning larh... sweep floor... sweat like shit and tomorrow so sway lorh p6 must go school but then p1,2,3,4,5 all no need go school.
today mdm choong also never say must bring the eng and sci practice paper and she still say have nine days to finish everything now say must bring this must bring that so wad lorh....
P.S. wishing everyone here in hong wen school a deadly examination tomorrow hahahahaha i noe im evil cause i am
shi ting hold the camera than ask me to take "daddy's" photo, then i say ok....easy one larh than i shout to him say shi ting want take your pic look at her!!! then shi ting say "noo..... is si ying one" than ok i say si ying want take larh take ok he look then havent take then he look away ok then nvm i shou again then he look and raise his hand then shi ting so like waaaahhh. qiao chu and si ying also but i there laughing so damn funny can ok never mind. i call once more the he smiled and wave i think ( cause not interested in noeing anything and furthermore i doing favour for that three people) . ok then qiao chu take the cam and then "daddy" was like dancing and shake his butt... i burst out(of course laughing, not just sayin hahahaha) noe who's my daddy??? it's shi ting like the person larh and i think qiao chu and si ying all fall for this handsome guy(must say handsome if not criticising serene, qiao mei, sujata and myself) hahaahahahahahahahaha. then somemore qiao chu take the video where he shook his butt. hhahahahaaha. then cause it's si ing's cam then si ying say" shi ting dont worry i will send it to you via email."
haha... today i became some guy's daughter(as in bogus larh of course...) want to know who come ask me...hahahahahahaha so cool got no my "father's" genes at all!!!haha!!!!cannot stand it... anyway wish everyone good luck for tomorrow's prelim oral and wish my good luck too...hahahahaha just wish they will cancel the oral tomorrow.... haiisss .................................... So scared that i will not pass the oral........................................... ahhhhhhh!!!!!!
Daddy: still deciding...(ex. ex.: Yong Meng ex.: Sean) haha cool right!!!hahaha Mummy:Diana Big Sis:Qiao Mei Second Sis: Valerie Third Sis: Serene Fourth Sis: Si Qi Fifth Sis: Jolynn Sixth Sis: Sujata Seventh: ME!!!! ---------------------------------- My family in school very cool right! i know no need tell me....haha!!!! i'm crazy over it in school keep disturbing them though i smallest!!! but they must "as big let small"- haha i know very illegible.... anyway going to sleep already but havent pack my bag so i go now... tata - good bye (sry sixth sis use ur short cut name again anyway sry...)
harlo... today after finishing muh homework it's quite boring. Can't go out; nothin' to do only watch tv; sleep; eat. i wish there was more homework as a way to keep me company! next coming monday is the debate i'm soooo excited! here's wishing all a happy and properous new year!
Although we are not in the same class, but i am sure we would still continue to contact with each other. I REALLY MISS ALL OF YOU!
I need to just say a few words.... I hope that everyone likes my new blogskin!
Hi,everyone sorry that I did not post any messages for almost more than 2 months. The reason is because I was busy with my homework. A BIG SORRY TO EVERYONE!
Why I can post a blog in Hwee Ling's blog is because I am one of her blog's members. I don't know why Hwee Ling didn't put things into her blog now... Anyway, you guys better check out my blog, www.nellyke412.blogspot.com Thank you very much!=)